Reactant Dynamo

Reactant dynamo

A reactant dynamo is a dynamo fueled by fluid fuel and solid reactant.


A placed reactant dynamo can be instantly picked up by dismantling it with a wrench. Its configuration is preserved in the item. It can also be mined using a pickaxe, though this can be much slower.



A reactant dynamo is initially at the lowest tier (basic). It can be upgraded to higher tiers using upgrade kits and conversion kits.



When placed, a reactant dynamo faces up. When placed while sneaking, it faces away from the player. A reactant dynamo can face any direction, and can be rotated using a wrench.

Energy generation

When a reactant dynamo is supplied a fluid fuel and a reactant item that can react with one another, the dynamo will start consuming both to generate Redstone Flux. 100 mB of fluid fuel and one unit of reactant are consumed together at a time. Every reaction yields a certain amount of energy.

The speed at which energy is generated and fuel and reactants are consumed depends on how much power can be emitted, and on the dynamo’s maximum power output. A basic reactant dynamo has a maximum power output of 40 RF/t. This can be increased by upgrading the dynamo to a higher tier, and by installing certain augments.

When an active reactant dynamo cannot emit the energy it generates, it will keep working at its minimum power output (a tenth of its maximum power output). Any more energy that is generated in this case is lost. This can be resolved by installing an excitation field limiter.

Input and output

A reactant dynamo emits Redstone Flux from its coil, which points in the direction the dynamo is facing. It only emits energy when it is active. Fluids and items can enter a reactant dynamo through its sides. They cannot enter it through the coil, unless transmission coil ducting is installed.

Redstone control

A reactant dynamo may be configured to respond to redstone signals. It can be in one of three modes:

Redstone control is disabled. The dynamo works whenever possible. This is the default mode.
The dynamo works when not powered. When powered, it stops working.
The dynamo only works when powered.

The current mode can be set using the Redstone Control tab in the dynamo’s GUI.

When a reactant dynamo is deactivated by a redstone signal and is still generating energy from a reaction, it will finish generating energy from that reaction first.


A reactant dynamo can have a signalum security lock installed to restrict who can access it.


A reactant dynamo’s configuration can be saved on a redprint to be copied to other dynamos.

Light source

When a reactant dynamo is active, it emits a light level of 7.


Reactant dynamos come in six tiers.

Tier Max. power output Augment slots
Basic 40 RF/t 0
Hardened 60 RF/t 1
Reinforced 80 RF/t 2
Signalum 100 RF/t 3
Resonant / Creative 120 RF/t 4


A reactant dynamo can have augments installed to improve certain properties or to change how it works. The amount of augments that can be installed depends on the dynamo’s tier. A basic reactant dynamo cannot be augmented.

Augments can be installed in the Augmentation tab in a reactant dynamo’s GUI.

Augment Installable in Description
Auxiliary Transmission Coil Auxiliary Transmission Coil Any dynamo Increases a dynamo's maximum power output (speed). Can be installed multiple times.
Fuel Catalyzer Fuel Catalyzer Any dynamo Increases the amount of energy a dynamo generates from each unit of fuel. Can be installed multiple times.
Transmission Coil Ducting Transmission Coil Ducting Any dynamo Allows items and fluids to enter a dynamo through its coil, which can normally only emit energy.
Excitation Field Limiter Excitation Field Limiter Any dynamo Lowers the minimum power output of a dynamo to zero, preventing energy loss when it is active and cannot emit the energy it generates.
Elemental Catalyzer Elemental Catalyzer Reactant Dynamo A specialization that greatly increases a reactant dynamo's maximum power output and the amount of energy it generates from each reaction. However, the dynamo can only generate energy from elemental reactions, like between blazing pyrotheum and cryotheum dust.


The following fluids and items can react with one another in a reactant dynamo to generate varying amounts of energy.

Fuel (100 mB) Reactant Energy
Destabilized Redstone Sugar 80,000 RF
Destabilized Redstone Nether Wart 100,000 RF
Destabilized Redstone Gunpowder 100,000 RF
Destabilized Redstone Blaze Powder 150,000 RF
Destabilized Redstone Ghast Tear 150,000 RF
Energized Glowstone Sugar 100,000 RF
Energized Glowstone Nether Wart 125,000 RF
Energized Glowstone Gunpowder 125,000 RF
Energized Glowstone Blaze Powder 200,000 RF
Energized Glowstone Ghast Tear 200,000 RF
Blazing Pyrotheum Cryotheum Dust 400,000 RF
Gelid Cryotheum Pyrotheum Dust 400,000 RF
Zephyrean Aerotheum Petrotheum Dust 400,000 RF
Tectonic Petrotheum Aerotheum Dust 400,000 RF
Thermal Expansion (Minecraft 1.12)
Redstone Furnace
Induction Smelter
Phytogenic Insolator
Magma Crucible
Fractionating Still
Fluid Transposer
Energetic Infuser
Centrifugal Separator
Sequential Fabricator
Alchemical Imbuer
Arcane Ensorcellator
Glacial Precipitator
Igneous Extruder
Aqueous Accumulator
Thermal Mediator
Arboreal Extractor
Aquatic Entangler
Item Allocator
Fluid Allocator
Lexical Transmuter
Insightful Condenser
Decoctive Diffuser
Creature Encaptulator
Steam Dynamo
Magmatic Dynamo
Compression Dynamo
Reactant Dynamo
Enervation Dynamo
Numismatic Dynamo
Energy Cell
Flux Capacitor
Portable Tank
Auxiliary Reception Coil
Auxiliary Sieve
Nullification Chamber
Trivection Chamber
Flux Anodizers
Pyrolytic Conversion
Tectonic Initiator
Resin Funnel
Metallurgical Recovery
Nutrient Recovery
Sapling Infuser
Monoculture Cycle
Numismatic Press
Gearworking Die
Pyroconvective Loop
Reflux Column
Alchemical Retort
Flux Linkage Concentrator
Flux Reconstruction
Parabolic Flux Coupling
Enstabulation Apparatus
Pattern Validation
Fluidic Fabrication
Reagent Recovery
Pyroclastic Injection
Clastic Deposition
Auxiliary Transmission Coil
Fuel Catalyzer
Transmission Coil Ducting
Excitation Field Limiter
Boiler Conversion
Turbine Conversion
Isentropic Reservoir
Closed-Loop Cooling
Ignition Plugs
Agitative Manifold
Elemental Catalyzer
Disjunctive Extraction
Lapidary Calibration

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Last updated: 2022-08-16 07:03:26 +0000