
underwater is one of the distribution types provided by CoFH World. It distributes features at the bottom of bodies of water. It does so by randomly picking X and Z coordinates and placing features below the highest water block or column of water blocks at those coordinates, if any. This works with any block that has the ‘water’ material.

If there is no water at randomly chosen X and Z coordinates, it still counts towards the value cluster-count of the feature entry.

When using this distribution type, the feature type plate is used by default, and the value material of feature type configurations is set to dirt and grass blocks (and all variations of these blocks) by default.


When using this distribution type, the following value may be added to the feature entry.

Name Type Default Description
material (optional) Block ID / array of block IDs (Same as default material value of feature type configurations, described above) The type(s) of block that may be replaced with features. A feature will only be generated at randomly chosen X and Z coordinates if the type of the highest block below water at those coordinates is specified here. Otherwise, the feature is skipped, but still counts towards the value cluster-count of the feature entry.


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Last updated: 2022-08-16 07:03:26 +0000