Block ID

A block ID is a format used while describing features to specify a type of block in the world.


A block ID is an object with the following values.

Name Type Default Description
name String - The internal name (ID) of the block, such as minecraft:stone. The ID of a block in the world can be seen ingame by looking at it while the debug screen is active. If the block is from the base game, the minecraft: prefix is not required.
properties (optional) Object (See description) The block states of the block, specified as an object in which the keys are the names of the block states. The block states of a block in the world can be seen ingame by looking at it while the debug screen is active.

If properties is not specified and the block ID is used to generate blocks, the default block states for the block type are used. If the block ID is used to match existing blocks, block states are ignored while matching blocks.
data-tag (optional) Object null The NBT data of the block, specified as JSON. Only used for blocks that have block entities.
weight (optional) Number 100 How likely the block ID is to be selected when it is part of an array of block IDs to randomly choose from. Block IDs with a greater weight have a higher chance of being selected.

A block ID may also be specified as a single string. In that case, it is read as the name value.


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Last updated: 2022-08-16 07:03:26 +0000