Number provider

A number provider is a format used while describing features to specify a source of numbers. It can often be used in places where a regular number can be specified. They can return the same or a different number each time the world generator asks them for one.

There are six types of number providers: constants, two types of random number generators, world values, operations and bounded values. Most types allow for nesting as other number providers may be used to configure them.


A constant number provider provides the same value each time. It is equivalent to simply specifying a number. It is an object with the following value.

Name Type Default Description
value Number - The number to provide.

Random (minimum/maximum)

This type of number provider generates random numbers between a minimum and a maximum value, where each possible result is equally likely. It is an object with the following values.

Name Type Default Description
min Number / number provider - The lower limit of the randomly generated numbers.
max Number / number provider - The upper limit of the randomly generated numbers.

Random (variance)

This type of number provider generates random numbers spread around the number 0, based on a number called variance. It does so by generating two random numbers between 0 (inclusive) and variance (exclusive) and subtracting the first from the second. Due to this method, numbers closer to 0 are more likely to be generated.

This number provider is an object with the following value.

Name Type Default Description
variance Number / number provider - Used as both the upper and lower limit of the randomly generated numbers. For example, when set to 3, numbers between -3 and 3 (not including those two) may be generated.

World value

A world value number provider returns values from the world that features are being generated in. It is an object with the following value.

Name Type Default Description
world-data String - The name of the world value to provide.

The following world values are available:

The total height of the world, in blocks.
The altitude seen as “sea level” in the world.
The altitude seen as the “average ground level” in the world.
The altitude at which rainfall becomes snowfall at the current X and Z coordinates of the world generator.
The altitude of the highest block at the current X and Z coordinates of the world generator.
The altitude of the highest block at the current X and Z coordinates of the world generator, ignoring plants and trees.
The altitude of the highest block at the current X and Z coordinates of the world generator, according to the chunk’s height map which is used for calculating light.
The altitude of the lowest block with a direct line of sight to the sky in the chunk at the current X and Z coordinates of the world generator.
The X coordinate of the world’s spawn point.
The Y coordinate of the world’s spawn point.
The Z coordinate of the world’s spawn point.
The current X coordinate of the world generator.
The current Y coordinate of the world generator.
The current Z coordinate of the world generator.


An operation number provider performs an operation using two given values. It can perform various types of operations such as addition and multiplication. It is an object with the following values.

Name Type Default Description
value-a Number / number provider - The first value in the operation.
value-b Number / number provider - The second value in the operation.
operation String - The type of operation to perform.

The following operation types are available:

Add the second value to the first value.
Subtract the second value from the first value.
Multiply the first value by the second value.
Divide the first value by the second value.
Return the remainder of dividing the first value by the second value.
Return the lesser value of the two.
Return the greater value of the two.


A bounded number provider applies a minimum and maximum value to a given value, increasing it when it is too low and decreasing it when it is too high. It is an object with the following values.

Name Type Default Description
value Number / number provider - The value to apply a minimum and maximum value to.
min Number / number provider - The minimum value.
max Number / number provider - The maximum value.


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Last updated: 2022-08-16 07:03:26 +0000