Augment: Enstabulation Apparatus

Enstabulation apparatus augment

An enstabulation apparatus is an augment that allows for a centrifugal separator to process filled morbs.





An enstabulation apparatus can be installed in the Augmentation tab in a centrifugal separator’s GUI. It is a specialization that cannot be installed together with other specialization augments.


An installed enstabulation apparatus replaces a centrifugal separator’s recipe set with its own. This recipe set consists of processing morbs containing various types of mobs into mob drops and essence of knowledge.

When processing morbs, each operation requires 4,000 RF. There is a 25% chance that an empty morb is returned as an output. Reusable morbs are always returned.


When an output is listed with an amount, up to that amount of the output may be produced at a time.

Captured mob Output (chance) Essence of Knowledge output
Bat Leather (5%) 0 mB
Chicken Feather × 2 (50%), Raw Chicken (100%) 40 mB
Cow Leather × 2 (50%), Raw Beef × 3 (70%) 40 mB
Donkey Leather × 2 (50%) 40 mB
Horse Leather × 2 (50%) 40 mB
Llama Leather × 2 (50%) 40 mB
Mooshroom Leather × 2 (50%), Raw Beef × 3 (70%) 40 mB
Ocelot - 40 mB
Parrot Feather × 2 (80%) 40 mB
Pig Raw Porkchop × 3 (70%) 40 mB
Polar Bear Raw Fish × 2 (80%), Raw Salmon × 2 (50%) 40 mB
Rabbit Rabbit Hide (50%), Raw Rabbit (50%), Rabbit’s Foot (10%) 40 mB
Sheep Raw Mutton × 2 (80%) 40 mB
Skeleton Horse Bone Meal (50%) 40 mB
Squid Ink Sac × 3 (70%) 40 mB
Wolf - 40 mB
Zombie Horse Rotten Flesh × 2 (50%) 40 mB
Blaze Blaze Rod (50%), Sulfur (25%) 200 mB
Cave Spider String × 2 (50%), Spider Eye (25%) 100 mB
Creeper Gunpowder × 2 (50%) 100 mB
Elder Guardian Prismarine Shard × 2 (50%), Prismarine Crystals (50%) 200 mB
Enderman Ender Pearl (50%) 100 mB
Endermite - 100 mB
Evoker Totem of Undying (100%), Emerald (50%) 200 mB
Ghast Ghast Tear (50%), Gunpowder (50%) 100 mB
Guardian Prismarine Shard × 2 (50%), Prismarine Crystals (50%) 200 mB
Husk Rotten Flesh × 2 (50%), Iron Ingot (2%), Potato (2%) 100 mB
Magma Cube Magma Cream (50%), Sulfur (25%) 40 mB
Shulker Shulker Shell (50%) 100 mB
Silverfish - 100 mB
Skeleton Arrow × 2 (50%), Bone × 2 (50%) 100 mB
Slime Slimeball × 2 (50%) 40 mB
Spider String × 2 (50%), Spider Eye (25%) 100 mB
Stray Arrow × 2 (50%), Bone × 2 (50%) 100 mB
Vex - 60 mB
Villager Emerald (2%) 0 mB
Vindicator Emerald (50%) 100 mB
Witch Glowstone Dust × 2 (40%), Gunpowder × 2 (40%), Redstone × 2 (40%) 100 mB
Wither Skeleton Coal (25%), Bone × 2 (50%), Wither Skeleton Skull (2%) 100 mB
Zombie Rotten Flesh × 2 (50%), Iron Ingot (2%), Potato (2%) 100 mB
Zombie Pigman Rotten Flesh (50%), Gold Nugget (50%), Gold Ingot (2%) 100 mB
Zombie Villager Rotten Flesh × 2 (50%), Iron Ingot (2%), Potato (2%) 100 mB
Blizz Blizz Rod (50%), Snowball × 4 (25%) 200 mB
Blitz Blitz Rod (50%), Niter × 2 (25%) 200 mB
Basalz Basalz Rod (50%), Pulverized Obsidian × 2 (25%) 200 mB
Thermal Expansion (Minecraft 1.12)
Redstone Furnace
Induction Smelter
Phytogenic Insolator
Magma Crucible
Fractionating Still
Fluid Transposer
Energetic Infuser
Centrifugal Separator
Sequential Fabricator
Alchemical Imbuer
Arcane Ensorcellator
Glacial Precipitator
Igneous Extruder
Aqueous Accumulator
Thermal Mediator
Arboreal Extractor
Aquatic Entangler
Item Allocator
Fluid Allocator
Lexical Transmuter
Insightful Condenser
Decoctive Diffuser
Creature Encaptulator
Steam Dynamo
Magmatic Dynamo
Compression Dynamo
Reactant Dynamo
Enervation Dynamo
Numismatic Dynamo
Energy Cell
Flux Capacitor
Portable Tank
Auxiliary Reception Coil
Auxiliary Sieve
Nullification Chamber
Trivection Chamber
Flux Anodizers
Pyrolytic Conversion
Tectonic Initiator
Resin Funnel
Metallurgical Recovery
Nutrient Recovery
Sapling Infuser
Monoculture Cycle
Numismatic Press
Gearworking Die
Pyroconvective Loop
Reflux Column
Alchemical Retort
Flux Linkage Concentrator
Flux Reconstruction
Parabolic Flux Coupling
Enstabulation Apparatus
Pattern Validation
Fluidic Fabrication
Reagent Recovery
Pyroclastic Injection
Clastic Deposition
Auxiliary Transmission Coil
Fuel Catalyzer
Transmission Coil Ducting
Excitation Field Limiter
Boiler Conversion
Turbine Conversion
Isentropic Reservoir
Closed-Loop Cooling
Ignition Plugs
Agitative Manifold
Elemental Catalyzer
Disjunctive Extraction
Lapidary Calibration

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Last updated: 2022-08-16 07:03:26 +0000